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Get healthier without going to a gym. Its really NEAT.
Naluri6 min read

Here’s a NEAT Way to Get Healthier Without Going to the Gym

Many people believe that getting healthier requires spending hours at the gym, lifting weights, or going for long runs. But what if we told you that staying active and improving your health doesn’t have to be just that? That the key to a more active lifestyle is already integrated into your daily activities?

Good news - it is!

You don’t need a gym membership or a huge amount of time to make a positive impact on your health. In fact, some of the best opportunities to boost your wellbeing can be found in how you move throughout your day. This concept is called the Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis (NEAT), which reveals that your simple, everyday movements can be incredibly effective for enhancing your wellbeing.

In this article, we’ll explore what Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis is, the benefits of NEAT exercise, and how to increase NEAT exercise in your daily life to become more active in your health journey.



What is Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis?

Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis (NEAT) refers to the energy we expend through all physical activities that are not formal exercise, eating, or sleeping. These activities can range from simple things such as standing, walking, and fidgeting to more involved tasks such as gardening, cleaning the house, and cooking. Every time you stand up, stretch, pace while talking on the phone, or even tap your foot to a beat, you’re engaging in NEAT. Essentially, NEAT is the energy we use to live our everyday lives. 


How Does NEAT Work?

To understand how Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis works, it’s important to understand how our bodies use energy. Our total daily energy expenditure (TDEE) is made up of three main components:

  1. Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR): This is the energy your body needs to maintain essential physiological functions at rest, such as breathing, circulation, and cell production. BMR accounts for the largest portion of your TDEE—about 60-70%.
  2. Thermic Effect of Food (TEF): This is the energy your body uses to digest, absorb, and metabolise the food you eat. TEF typically accounts for about 10% of your TDEE.
  3. Physical activity: This includes all the energy expended through movement, which can be divided into formal exercise and NEAT. While formal exercise is planned and intentional, NEAT covers everything else, making up a significant portion of the calories you burn daily, especially for those not heavily engaged in formal exercise.

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What are the benefits of NEAT exercise?

In the hustle and bustle of life, finding time for formal exercise can be challenging. That’s where NEAT can make a big difference.

Here are some benefits of NEAT exercise:

  • Boosts metabolism: Research has shown that long periods of inactivity can slow your metabolism, making it harder to maintain a healthy weight and increasing the risk of chronic conditions such as heart disease and diabetes. Integrating more NEAT into your day can accelerate your metabolism and keep your body healthier.
  • Easy to implement: Unlike formal exercise routines that require specific times and places, NEAT activities can be incorporated into your existing schedule without any special equipment or a gym membership. This makes NEAT a practical and accessible option for everyone, regardless of fitness level or lifestyle.
  • Enhances mental wellbeing: Engaging in physical activity (even in small doses) can significantly impact your mental health. The movements involved in NEAT increase the production of endorphins—natural chemicals in the brain that contribute to a happier, more positive outlook. Here’s how physical activity and working out can rev up your mental engine.
  • Applicable for all fitness levels: Whether you’re a busy professional, a parent juggling multiple responsibilities, or someone looking to improve your overall health, NEAT offers a way to stay active without committing to intense exercise routines. It’s a flexible approach to incorporating more movement into your day, making it easier to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
  • Promotes longevity: Research into Blue Zones—regions of the world where people live the longest and healthiest lives—shows that daily physical activities (forms of NEAT) play a key role in their longevity. These natural movements are a fundamental part of their lifestyle, keeping them active and healthy into old age.

Can NEAT be a substitute for formal exercise?

Although Non-exercise Activity Thermogenesis (NEAT) is an excellent addition to your daily routine, it’s not a complete substitute for formal exercise. Instead, think of NEAT as the foundation that keeps your body moving throughout the day and formal exercise as a targeted way to achieve your fitness goals.

Formal exercise is essential for targeting specific health and fitness objectives. For instance, aerobic exercise improves cardiovascular health, while resistance training increases muscle mass and strengthens bones. Regular exercise can also enhance flexibility, balance, and coordination, which is crucial for overall fitness and preventing injuries.

Therefore, NEAT and exercise should be seen as complementary—NEAT provides consistent daily activity, and formal exercise delivers focused fitness improvements, ensuring that you reap the full spectrum of health benefits.

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How can I increase NEAT exercise in my day?

There are many opportunities you can take advantage of to increase your NEAT exercise throughout your daily life. Here are a few ways:

  • Take the stairs: Skip the elevator and opt for the stairs whenever you can. It’s a quick way to get your heart pumping and add more movement to your day.
  • Walk and talk: Turn your phone calls into walking calls. Stand up and move around while you chat—it’s an effortless way to stay active, especially during long conversations.
  • Clean up your house: Cleaning, gardening, or washing your car are all great sources of NEAT. Not only do these chores contribute to your physical activity, but they also help keep your home tidy and organised.
  • Practice desk exercises: If you’re sitting at a desk all day, make it a habit to stand up and stretch every hour. You can also try seated exercises to keep your body engaged while you work. 
  • Park further away: When running errands, park your car slightly further from the entrance. Those extra steps might seem small, but they can add up.
  • Dance around: Put on your favourite music and dance while you cook or do other tasks. It’s a fun way to get moving, lift your mood, and drive your NEAT up.
  • Take walk breaks: Incorporate short breaks every hour to stand, walk, and stretch. This practice can help improve your posture, reduce fatigue, and boost your overall activity level. 

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Reflection time - How can you increase NEAT exercise in your daily routine today? What small adjustments can you make to become more active?



Incorporating Non-exercise Activity Thermogenesis (NEAT) into your daily routine is a simple yet powerful way to boost your health, improve your mood, and support your longevity. Every small step can contribute to a healthier, more active lifestyle.

Ready to be more active? Join our Staying Fit on the Go webinar, where award-winning Naluri Fitness Coach Kavitha Sivapragasam shares her top tips on incorporating workouts into a busy schedule.

For more personalised advice, chat or book a consultation with a Naluri Fitness Coach to receive tailored strategies to integrate into your unique lifestyle.


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