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How to Set and Achieve Your Financial Goals

Do you find yourself living paycheck to paycheck? Or perhaps you’re overwhelmed by the constant stress of managing your finances?

If you resonate with any of these feelings, don’t worry; you’re not alone. While managing your finances may be daunting, especially with contributing factors such as inflation and recessions, setting financial goals can help you ensure you’re on track to a healthy financial future.

In this article, we’ll explore the importance of financial goals, showcase examples of them, and show how you can set yourself up to not only set these goals but also achieve them!


Why financial goals are important

A financial goal is essentially a plan you set for your money. Like many other areas in your life, it’s always good to set goals to improve your overall health and wellbeing.

You probably know why your financial health matters, but why are financial goals important? Here are a few reasons:

Helps you stay focused and motivated

Having tangible goals provides constant motivation, especially during challenging times. Knowing what you’re working towards helps you stay the course and see the light at the end of the tunnel. Whether it’s working towards putting your down payment on a house or taking that dream vacation, having the goal in mind can keep you on track and motivated to achieve them.

Provides clarity and direction

Financial goals often bring clarity, offering a precise vision of what you’d like to achieve and how to get there. This is because goals require efficient planning, prioritisation of tasks, and better organisation, ultimately streamlining your financial journey. When you have a clear outcome in mind, you’re better equipped to navigate the twists and turns of your financial journey.

Helps you anticipation of challenges

Setting financial goals compels you to think ahead and foresee potential obstacles. This proactive approach increases your chances of success by enabling you to address challenges before they become insurmountable. Whether it’s an unexpected expense or a drop in income, having a plan in place can help you weather the storm.


Examples of financial goals

Now that you know why financial goals are important, we’ve compiled a few examples of financial goals and tips for you to implement to achieve them:

  • Create a monthly budget
    One financial goal you can set is to create a monthly budget. This budget will help you plan for how you will spend your money each month and identify areas where you can cut back on spending. By creating this budget, you can ensure you’re not overspending in any one area, allocate your money wisely, and be consistent with your savings.
  • Pay off debt
    If you have outstanding debt to pay off, this can keep you from achieving other financial goals. Some may be able to clear them off in one go, whilst others may need to pay them off in stages. Whichever way works best for your situation, setting this goal can help you start taking control of your finances, get out of debt, and stay out of debt!
  • Build your emergency fund
    Emergencies can happen anytime, and an emergency fund can help you cover unexpected expenses without being in debt. Naluri Financial Advisors recommend saving at least three to six months’ worth of living expenses in an emergency fund. This can help you to cover unexpected expenses such as medical bills, job loss, or car repair bills.
  • Start saving for your retirement
    The earlier you start saving for retirement, the more time your money has to grow. Setting a goal to save a certain amount each month or each year can help you build up a nest egg that will provide you with financial security in your golden years. Watch Naluri Financial Advisor Stephen as he shares how you can start preparing for a stress-free retirement.
  • Buy a home or a car
    If you’re looking to make a major purchase, such as a home or a car, setting a financial goal can help you save up the money you need. Having a clear objective will help provide direction and motivation, such as saving a specific percentage of the home’s value or setting a timeline for the car purchase.

5 steps to set and achieve your financial goals

To put the theory into practice, here are five steps you can take to not only set your financial goals but also ensure you achieve them!

1. Assess your current financial situation

Before you can set your goals, it’s important to understand where you stand financially. Take a close look at your income, expenses, assets, and liabilities to get a clear picture of your financial health. Once you have done this, you can identify your strengths and pinpoint areas where adjustments can be made for enhanced financial efficiency. By becoming self-aware of your financial standing, you can lay the foundation for effective goal-setting and strategic financial planning.

2. Reflect on your values and priorities

Before you set your financial goal, clarifying what truly matters to you is important. Take some time to reflect on your values and priorities. Are you saving for a down payment on a house? Planning a big trip? Supporting a loved one’s education? Knowing what’s truly important to you can help you set financial goals that are both meaningful and motivating.

3. Set your financial goal

The next step is to identify what your financial goals are. Use the SMART framework to ensure your goals are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. For instance, instead of setting a vague goal such as “save money”, break this down into clear and actionable steps such as “save USD10,000 for a down payment on a house within the next two years”. This can help you stay focused and motivated.

4. Create a plan to achieve your goals

Once you have identified your financial goals, it is time to plan! Break down your goals into smaller, actionable steps, and create a timeline for each step. For instance, if your goal is to save USD10,000 in 3 years for a down payment on a house, you’ll need to save roughly USD280 per month for 36 months. Having a realistic and achievable plan will help you stay consistent to achieving your goal.

Not sure how to plan your financial goals? Chat with a Naluri Financial Advisor or book a consultation to get expert guidance and support to help you achieve your financial goals.

5. Track your progress and stay motivated

Once you have a plan, the final step is to track your progress and stay motivated. The key to staying on track is to regularly review your progress and make adjustments to your plan, if necessary. Use tools like budgeting apps, financial spreadsheets, or goal-tracking software to help you stay organised. Also, don’t forget to celebrate your achievements along the way, and stay motivated by visualising the benefits of achieving your goals.



In conclusion, setting and achieving your financial goals may take a fair amount of time and effort, but it will be worth it. With a solid plan in place, you can take control of your finances and achieve a healthy financial future.

Ready to take the next step in your financial journey? Join the upcoming Dollars and Sense: Strategies for Smart Budgeting webinar to hear from Naluri Financial Advisor Stephen Yong as he explores strategies for smart budgeting and gain insights that will propel you towards financial success.

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